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Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]



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Mensajes: 68

Registrado: Lun, 13 Sep 2010

Ubicación: Bahía Blanca

Clan: PowerFrag

Nota Mar, 04 Ene 2011

Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]

Los trabajadores de FrozenSand siguieron laburando un poco parece y sacaron un patch para el Urt HD para mejorar algunas cositas...

Teoricamente tienen que seguir laburando, para sacar algunos patch mas, algun beta con sus respectivos patchs y algun día ojala saquen la version final del Urban Terror HD

Aqui les dejo el link para bajar la version Alpha 0.2 y parchear lo que bajaron anteriormente:

Fijense que tienen que descomprimir el archivo en la carpeta principal y reemplazar lo viejo!

Ahora lo pruebo y comento que cambios hicieron!


PD: Sigue sin andar para mac ni linux (comanla!)


(Edit by Isma: Te saque los colores porque no se lee nada!)



Nota Mar, 04 Ene 2011

Re: Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]

yo no vi muchos cambios la verdad (lo probe 5 min nada mas), si alguno levanta un server que avise asi probamos :laka:


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Mensajes: 173

Registrado: Lun, 09 Ago 2010

Ubicación: /tmp

Nota Mar, 04 Ene 2011

Re: Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]

Alpha 0.2c - December 2010, 31

* Set fs_game to "urthdalpha1", this should make it slightly easier to set up a dedicated server
* Changed hitlocations from VEST->Vest etc.

* Optimized MD5 Loading a fair bit (15 seconds down to about 3-4)
* Added MD5 surface merging (faster on faster cards)
* Added support for r_md5accel 0 / Software Skinning

Only set r_md5accel to less then 3 if you cannot get the game to run at all, or the player models are corrupt.
Otherwise, use r_md5accel 3, and the engine will (barring drivers lying about problems...) use the best your machine can run.
Forced Software MD5 Skinning is incredibly slow right now (r_md5accel 0), this might make the game just about unplayable if you are forced to use it. We'll be adding lower-poly player models in an upcoming alpha that will help FPS on older machines alot.

Alpha 0.2b - December 2010, 29

* Fixed Mandolins missing bmodel (uninitialized variable with new malloc)
* Patched the /callvote ";" set of exploits

* Reworked ut_weaptoggle to actually be a custom weapon cycle.


/UT_WEAPTOGGLE $param1 {$param2} {$param3} {$param4} {$param5} {$param6}

Lets players define a custom weapon cycle. Valid params are primary,secondary,grenade,knife,sidearm,bomb

example usage: "/bind N ut_weaptoggle primary knife grenade"
N will switch between your primary, then knife, then grenade (Order is obeyed!)

If you have more then one of a given item, eg: two secondarys, or two grenades, it will cycle through all of them.
If you have no primaries (eg: two secondaries) it will treat both secondaries as primaries.

Alpha 0.2 - December 2010, 28

* Fixed the cg_armbandrgb stuff (minimap arrow rgbs)
* Fixed the scoreboard issue/team free issue, I think. Am 100% sure what causes it, but fix needs testing.
* Fixed the demo playback
* Removed a couple cvars we dont use r_fullbright, cl_timenudge
* Fixed the red handskins on blue FFA models
* Fixed the Magums rate of fire (HUGE NERF)
* Standing too close to a flashbang will cause you to get blinded (Buff)

* Lowered the Benelli damage a bit (legs and arms especially) (Nerf)
* Lowered the P90's damage a bit (Nerf)
* Increased the P90's recoil during long bursts (Tiny Nerf)
* Increased the spas12 rate of fire a bit (Buff)
* Increased the ump12 rate of fire a bit (Buff)
* Increased the Ump12s damage a bit (Buff)
* Lowered the Ak103s vertical recoil component a tiny bit (Tiny Buff)
* Increased the Magnums damage (HUGE BUFF)
* Taking damage causes flashbang to clear (Nerf)
* Reduced sprinting stamina spend rate slightly (BUff.. hopefully puts us back in line with 4.1)


Nota Mar, 04 Ene 2011

Re: Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]

sgt escribió:Cambios:

/UT_WEAPTOGGLE $param1 {$param2} {$param3} {$param4} {$param5} {$param6}

Lets players define a custom weapon cycle. Valid params are primary,secondary,grenade,knife,sidearm,bomb

example usage: "/bind N ut_weaptoggle primary knife grenade"
N will switch between your primary, then knife, then grenade (Order is obeyed!)

ahh eso esta bueno, yo queria hacer eso pero con "primary sidearm secondary", pero ahora solo te deja con 2. genial :]


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Mensajes: 68

Registrado: Lun, 13 Sep 2010

Ubicación: Bahía Blanca

Clan: PowerFrag

Nota Mar, 04 Ene 2011

Re: Happy New Alpha 0.2 [UrT Patch]

Todo eso no lo puse porq no me gustan los copy paste baratos que hacen, ni las traducciones con diccionarios online...

Por otro lado entre los principales cambios que nombran ahi, se destacan la pistola magnum que ahora dispara de a una bala y son mas potentes, la ump dispara mas rapido y hay algunos cambios de damage de algunas armas...

Tambien cambiaron un poquito las formas de algunas armas como la LR-300 y la PSG (solo un poco)

Y solo me anda en server casero, si me meto en el unico server levantado que hay no me entra, me tira un errorcito.. fijense si se lo tira alguno:

Loading dll file ui.
Failed to load dll, looking for qvm.
Loading vm file vm/ui.qvm.
----- CL_Shutdown -----
RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
VM_Create on UI failed

igualmente ya lo postee en el foro correspondiente!


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