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Top 5 Post-Purchase b2b email list Metrics

NotaPublicado: Mar, 18 Ene 2022
por Morium Khatun
Even though the checkout process only takes a few minutes, a lot of time, effort and marketing has gone into this new customer acquisition. Although you should always focus on acquiring new customers, it is simply much more expensive to win them over than to retain them. When a visitor becomes a customer, that visitor has started a relationship with you. It's up to you to continue this conversion long after the initial purchase. Why? By b2b email list the customer experience, you can expect increased loyalty and future purchases. In the world of e-commerce, this business-to-customer communication is called post-purchase engagement. To help you retain more customers, we've rounded up five post-purchase engagement metrics you can implement into your I/O Means in-store marketing tactics. 1. Boost your confirmation and outgoing emails Both after a customer makes a purchase and after they ship their order, the sending of emails is automatically triggered.

You can personalize b2b email list each of these two emails in different ways to promote anticipation of the arrival of the new product. After all, deciding on a purchase is exciting! Encourage your customers' enthusiasm by using positive language, visual impact, and links to your website or social media in these emails. Use these calls to action to motivate that new b2b email list to follow you on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter or link to your website's blog or FAQ b2b email list like the example below. You can customize these emails by accessing your store's dashboard. Refer to this I/O Means knowledge base article for a detailed guide. 2. Ask for product reviews A useful post-purchase engagement metric is to ask your customer for a review. We live in a world of constant sharing. People want “social proof” of a purchase.

Whether it's sharing a good or bad product and shopping experience, chances are your customers will want to tell someone about it. Why not send this information back to your website? Online reviews on your website will not only help increase product authority, encouraging other visitors to buy, but these reviews will also add useful and relevant b2b email list to your website and help you understand how to make improvements. It is estimated that more than 80% of customer purchasing decisions are influenced by reviews posted online. If b2b email list of your products currently have no reviews, it's time for you to consider starting a product review campaign! With I/O Means, you can simply edit and activate order review requests to email a customer after they purchase. A link of what your customer purchased will automatically be included as shown below